Well done Eyebrow2! You've taken many of my thoughts regarding the parralels between Vader's and Luke's lives and accomplishments and tied them together in a hallarious scene from ESB. Im laughing as I type.
Darth Yhwh
JoinedPosts by Darth Yhwh
little known ending to a star wars scene
by Eyebrow2 ini just got this in email...very funny.
now that we know the real story here is the complete scene from empire strikes back.
a furious lightsaber duel is underway.
Watchtower Gives Up Explaining 607 BCE Date!
by VM44 inthis is a very important observation, that the watchtower has not tried to explain in print why 607 bce is the year for the destruction of jerusalem for the last 17 years!!!.
all that the watchtower has done over most of the last two decades is to repeat over and over the year "607bce" in its publications as if it is an unquestioned fact!.
the last time an explaination for the year was attempted by the watchtower was in 1988 when the "insight" volumes were published, but since then, no explaination for the validity of the year has appeared in print.. this must mean something, but what?
Darth Yhwh
“This must mean something, but what? Perhaps that The Watchtower doesn't have anything new to say on the topic, or perhaps that they don't want people delving too deep in researching the dates 608/587 BCE. After all, COJ's book, The Gentile Times Reconsidered, is easily found by anyone starting to research the matter, and The Watchtower certainly does not want anyone finding out about that book!”
The WBTS is not silent on this issue because they have already shared “these delightful, correct words of truth”. This “truth” should not be questioned because it is published in written form by Gods medium for communicating with his people. It will also continue to be “truth” until the need to correct it via new light. You know this routine, don’t you?
Elder's lying daughter
by Darth Yhwh inso my jw mother has a 16-year-old elders daughter over her house to sit in on a bible study with a 14-year-old young girl.
my mom has been studying with this girl for about a year and is considering turning over the study to this elders daughter.
my mom is thinking that the two of these girls will find common ground and that the elders daughter will be able to encourage this girl to continue with her program (my mothers word, not mine.interesting, huh?
Darth Yhwh
“So, they were/are intimidated by a worldly husband? What does that say about them? They probably are worried that said Wordly husband actually has some ability to reason and that he'll (rightly) think that the whole situation is beyond stupid.”
I think this shows that they’re just using typical JW bullying, and intimidation tactics to achieve a certain goal. In this case they’re goal is putting my mother back into her place.
“Your mom was smart not to let them corner her, Darth. ”
My mother told me that she considered not even going to the meeting because she didn’t want to put herself in that situation. The thing about it is that I do not encourage my father to go to meetings at all, however in this situation my mother couldn’t have asked for any one better to support her. You’re right jstalin they knew that my father would have some “ability to reason” for himself.
Did God ever grant what you asked for in prayer?
by JH ini was an active witness, and i didn't feel as if god granted anything i asked for in prayers.
i didn't ask anything out of the ordinary.
since the witnesses say that they are god's followers and that he blesses them, i wonder in what way he blesses individuals when they pray?.
Darth Yhwh
Insomniac, very funny, interesting, and an entertaining post.
Jehovah's Witnesses Recruiting at colleges...
by TresHappy inspecifically ohio university.
how can you be against college and recruit new members there?
Darth Yhwh
I’m not sure what she’s complaining about. I guess she doesn’t realize that by this witness girl writing this information down that she is assured that JW’s wont come back knocking on her door for a while.
Elder's lying daughter
by Darth Yhwh inso my jw mother has a 16-year-old elders daughter over her house to sit in on a bible study with a 14-year-old young girl.
my mom has been studying with this girl for about a year and is considering turning over the study to this elders daughter.
my mom is thinking that the two of these girls will find common ground and that the elders daughter will be able to encourage this girl to continue with her program (my mothers word, not mine.interesting, huh?
Darth Yhwh
I would agree with you Scully if this were a more important matter. If someone’s spirituality were in question they wouldn’t let this slide so easily. As you mention they would merely delay until a more convenient time. However, because the issue is trivial in nature I truly think that my “worldly” father making an appearance is enough to cool their jets significantly.
Do men want to get married?
by ApagaLaLuz indo men still believe in the sanctity of marriage?
or is teh saying "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" really true.
call me cynical, i guess just because i've had so many guy friends.
Darth Yhwh
Did I want to get married? No! In hind site, it was the best decision that i ever made.
Jehovah's Witnesses Recruiting at colleges...
by TresHappy inspecifically ohio university.
how can you be against college and recruit new members there?
Darth Yhwh
DDOHHHH! I did'nt even think of that. Brilliant!
Elder's lying daughter
by Darth Yhwh inso my jw mother has a 16-year-old elders daughter over her house to sit in on a bible study with a 14-year-old young girl.
my mom has been studying with this girl for about a year and is considering turning over the study to this elders daughter.
my mom is thinking that the two of these girls will find common ground and that the elders daughter will be able to encourage this girl to continue with her program (my mothers word, not mine.interesting, huh?
Darth Yhwh
So my JW mother has a 16-year-old elders daughter over her house to sit in on a bible study with a 14-year-old young girl. My mom has been studying with this girl for about a year and is considering turning over the study to this elder’s daughter. My mom is thinking that the two of these girls will find common ground and that the elders daughter will be able to encourage this girl to continue with her “program” (my mother’s word, not mine….interesting, huh?).
Well the elder’s daughter gets board during the study and decides to leave the room and go play with my mom’s dog. Well my mom’s dog is a bit rowdy and can play a bit rough if provoked. At the time the dog was on a leash and in a gated room. The elder’s daughter gets the dog worked up and the dog bits her. Not very hard I’m sure as this dog has bitten me numerous times and the dog bites gently in a playful manner. Not to mention that I allow my two-year-old twins to walk freely among the dog because it knows what it’s doing and wont harm them.
My mother decides that the elder’s daughter’s maturity level is not ready for this responsibility and tells her that she is not going to turn this bible study over to her. Well this girl decides to go to her elder father and tell him that my mother’s dog attacked her and that my mother is not giving her the study as a result.
So now Mr. Elder and Mrs. Elder want to have a meeting with my mother after the Thursday night TMS. My mother said that the daughter should be present for this meeting because my mother knows that she is stretching the truth if not out right lying. Well Mr. and Mrs. Elder flat out refuse for her daughter to be present for this meeting.
Now my mom knows that if she goes to this meeting she’s going to be tag teamed by Mr. and Mrs. Elder and they’ll be relentless in their defense of their daughter’s story. So my mom asks my “worldly” father to go to the meeting with her. I can count the number of times that I’ve seen my dad go to a meeting in a 17-year time span on one hand.
Needless to say that when Mr. And Mrs. Elder see my father at the meeting they barely even want to see my mom let alone sit down and have a meeting with both my parents. They do everything in their power to avoid the situation but finally they all sit down together. My mother said that the meeting went extremely well and they worked out all of their differences.
Now can you imagine what they would have tried to do to my mother had my “worldly” father not showed up for support?
I just had to laugh at the story as typical JW BS. You know what makes this whole story for me is that years ago this same Mrs. Elder persuaded a young JW girl that I considered my girlfriend to break up with me because we were too young to be considering marriage. If you ask me Mrs. Elder should keep her nose out of the business of others and spend a little bit more time with her daughter.
This is part I of the lying Elder's daughter story. Part II to follow soon.
Explain monogamy to me
by joelbear in.
my preferred social construct would be a group of 5 to 10 men sharing space, chores, well everything.. if i were heterosexual i think i would prefer the same situation, 2 or 3 families living together and sharing all.. actually i believe this should be a worldwide goal, total community in every sense of the word.. i see no advantage served by social and sexual diads.. please explain it to me.
Darth Yhwh
Joel Wideman, I agree with you and find that the older I get the less concerned I am with fashion.